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Remembering Bowie

Photographer: Pennie Smith

5 years has passed since Bowie left us.

We know that Bowie was one of Suede's influences and his loss is felt by many.

“I felt as though I grew up with him and therefore it’s not just like a member of the Royal Family dying, it’s someone who was woven into my life. “It’s almost like a close friend has died, even though I didn’t know him like one of my mates. “But I’d met him. It’s more than, ‘Oh someone famous has died’. “People feel a real sense of personal loss about it because he inspired so many and spoke to so many different generations through his music.” - Brett in an interview with Jacqui Swift, 15th January 2016.

Photographer: Pennie Smith

There is a wonderful video which surfaced a few years ago on social media where Bowie is singing along to 'My Insatiable One' in 1992. Check it out here from about 11 minutes.

I asked a couple of Insatiable Ones, who are both Suede & Bowie fans, to share their stories and inspiration.

Wayne Robert take us on his musical journey.

"I was 12 in 1972 and one day on the radio I heard this song that stood out among all the other stuff. It was John I'm Only Dancing and the name of the artist, David Bowie. I was mystified. I just had to find out what he looked like. I became very quickly obsessed and saved my pennies to buy his then current album. Ziggy Stardust.. During 1973, a small handful of us at school were sporting Ziggy style haircuts and were wearing diamante clip on earrings etc. Although Bowie was becoming increasingly successful at the time. We total fans were a minority and were looked upon as freaks. We soon became a little outsiders group. As I got into my teens. Bowie's presence in my consciousness was a reassurance. It was okay to not be a part of the herd. Sadly I missed out on seeing him live in 1973 as my Dad refused to loan me the money for such a thing. Besides. I wasn't quite 13 at the time. When Bowie announced his retirement from doing live shows after that Hammersmith Odeon gig in July 73. I was heartbroken. Life On Mars was in the charts. I cried. I would have to wait until I was 15 to see Bowie live. Wembley Arena May 1976. It was amazing. I couldn't believe that I was finally there. Soon I'd left school and had some independent income and had by now collected every Bowie item that I could find. 1978. A tour was announced and my best Bowie fan friend decided that we were going to try to go to every date. We went to 9 altogether and on our travels, we got to meet the band and Bowie himself. I even appeared twice on TV during the tour. It was the greatest summer. To me, Bowie was like an older brother that encouraged my creativity and gave me the boldness to stand out regardless of what others thought. I wouldn't experience that thrill about a new artist until many years later. I was in my 30s by then. A band called Suede. It was a 1972 deja vu separated by two decades. It would be unfair to only see Brett Anderson and Co as Bowie's offspring but they were a definite part of that thing that escapes easy definition and also with that same appeal to those who feel somewhat outside of the mainstream."

Photographer: Pennie Smith

Becky d'Ugo, was inspired to write a short story-poem on the day Bowie died based on the theme of rebirth and using fragments of his lyrics.

"With their haunting music and provocative lyrics, mesmerizing generations with their chameleon-like androgyny, Bowie and Suede - beautiful humans." - Becky d'Ugo on Bowie and Suede.



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