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Mercury Music Award finds its forever home

The Mercury Music Prize nomination award for Coming Up from 1997 was won by Suede fan Mike Jackson in our The Insatiable Ones auction back in March to raise funds for John Brandham. The award was kindly donated by SuedeHQ.

For those of you who don't know, John is a dear friend of Suede who sadly suffered a stroke last year and the money will go towards his ongoing recovery. I'm pleased to report that John is making a positive recovery but he still has a long journey ahead of him. We send our best wishes and love to John.

Photo of Mike with his award in Switzerland

"So it’s taken me quite some time to find something suitable to display the suede mercury music award that I won in the Brandaid auction.

I have a travel theme in part of my apartment with photos I have taken around the world. To go with that I have a drinks trolley from a plane which is the current inconspicuous display place for it.

But now, continuing the travel theme, I’ve bought a window section of a plane fuselage to go on the wall. It still needs mounting, but I’m very pleased..." - Mike Jackson.

A few days later we catch up with Mike and see that the award is now in pride of place in its forever home.


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