15 Again & Roundup
Updated: Aug 18, 2022
For those of us who’ve been away on holiday/offline/having existential crisis about the very nature of our fandom, here’s a roundup of what’s been going on in Suedeworld.
’15 Again’, the second song to be released from their forthcoming record, Autofiction, premiered this week. You can hear it at all the usual streaming sites & downloads of it and previous single, ‘She Still Leads Me On‘, are freely available if you pre-ordered the album from the official store.
Clash Music have released a live studio video of ‘She Still Leads Me On’ shot by The Insatiables Ones film director Mike Christie. Watch it here.
Brett and Mat spoke to UK newspaper The Times. Read the interview {paywall: but you can sign up for a free month}.
Mat alluded to ‘an exclusive bit of news’ on his Twitter midweek; yet to materialise, watch this space…