Joolz Green's Collection
November 2021
Please introduce yourself and tell us about the moment you discovered Suede.
Hi, I’m Joolz (Juliette, if you want to use my proper name!) and I’ve been a Suede fan since 1992, when I first heard ‘The Drowners’ on the Evening Session. My best friend and I sang it all the way to school (one of our GCSE exams, I recall) and then eagerly awaited the previews of all the other songs as they were revealed. My first gig was at Coventry University in February 1993 (it was a freezing Sunday night and we stood outside shivering in our second-hand clothes) and the thrill of seeing my new favourite band for the first time was immense!
What and when was your first Suede purchase?
The debut album, on the day it was released – my friend’s Mum was dispatched to Birmingham city centre so we could have it when we got home from school.
How do you organise your collection?
In alphabetical order with all my other CDs / records, although the Suede CDs take up their own box and don’t have to share! As a schoolchild with limited pocket money, I didn’t buy the early singles (although that changed with ‘Coming Up’ – I have all those CD singles) but I have acquired many of them over the years (including for ages a copy of ‘Animal Nitrate’ inside the cover for We Are the Pigs, for some reason that I don’t quite remember).
What's your most treasured item in your collection and why?
My original (and slightly dog-eared) copies of the debut album and ‘Dog Man Star’ on vinyl will always have a special place in my heart; also my guitar chord books of the first 3 albums (even though I can’t play anything!); my Brett T-shirt (the only original tee I have left that didn’t fall apart, although his face is now a bit crispy!); the Suede fa`mily tree that I won in one of the Insatiable Ones auctions, which sits above my desk; Simon’s beautiful ‘So Young’ book (and the fantastic art print), of course!
Tell us about your most recent Suede purchase.
I bought the ‘Dog Man Star’ sampler flexi from a record shop the other day, then got home and realised I already had one inside my original album cover! Before that, it would be ‘Love and Poison’ from Record Store Day (still sealed at the moment).
Is there any item that was in your reach and you now regret not buying?
Not so much items I regret buying, but items I regret keeping… My collection would be way more impressive if I’d kept all the tickets, fanclub items and magazines that I used to hoard (sob!).
What's on your wishlist for your collection?
I really want ‘Night Thoughts’ on vinyl (it came out just before I got a record player again) and (not Suede, but forgive me) ‘Here Come the Tears’. I’m keeping everything crossed that one/both of these come up as RSD reissues sometime in the future.